FROM 11 SEPT. TO 12 DEC. 2010

A bûche perdue

Emilie Perotto

Musée Romain Rolland à Clamecy

With as favorite materials wood and its derivatives, Emilie Perotto composes a vocabulary of forms which, without denying its references to minimal art, moves away sometimes by the introduction of motifs and narrative images. She builds her works with the concern of a practice she wants jubilant, even contagious: the call of visual elements that encourage to go around, to play empty and full to highlight the perspectives, change of scale to create fictions …

The title of this exhibition, A bûche perdue, refers to the activity of log floating that gives rhythm the life of Clamecy for nearly four centuries. The history of the city resonates with works in the exhibition, including the staging that also reminds this organized drift of the wood.